

Dec 16, 2023

Glosario de embarazo: Guía de la A a la Z sobre terminología del embarazo

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Abdomen: The area of the body below the chest — the cavity that includes the stomach, intestines, liver and other organs. The uterus is located in the lowest part of the abdomen, the pelvis, although it pushes up as far as the chest as it expands throughout pregnancy.

Abortion: The loss of an embryo or fetus either spontaneously (miscarriage) or induced (when a pregnancy is terminated on purpose) before 20 weeks. After 20 weeks, the spontaneous loss of a fetus is called a stillbirth or intrauterine fetal demise.

Abruption: When the placenta begins to separate from the wall of the uterus before the baby is born. Symptoms of an abruption usually include bleeding and abdominal pain.

Abscess: A pus-filled cavity; an abscess in the breast of a nursing woman can result from untreated mastitis, or breast infection. Symptoms of an abscess include throbbing pain, swelling, tenderness, localized heat and fever. Treatment includes antibiotics and possible surgical drainage.

Active labor: Part of the first stage of labor when the cervix dilates from approximately six to 10 centimeters. Active labor lasts an average of four to 10 hours. The contractions during active labor are strong, long (40 to 60 seconds each) and frequent (three to four minutes apart).

Acupressure: A form of complementary and alternative medicine that has roots in ancient Chinese medicine. It uses pressure from the fingers to heal and soothe aches and pains; during pregnancy, acupressure can be used to combat morning sickness, labor pain and back pain.

Acupuncture: A form of complementary and alternative medicine. Thin needles are inserted in select locations of the body and stimulated and manipulated through the skin to help ease pain and balance the body's energy flow. In pregnancy, acupuncture can be used to combat morning sickness, labor pains and back pains.

Afterbirth: The placenta and membranes after they have been delivered from the uterus during the third stage of childbirth.

Afterpains: Cramping triggered by the contractions of the uterus in the postpartum phase as it shrinks and makes its normal descent back into the pelvis.

Alexander technique: Teaching conscious control over posture and movement, this technique can be used in childbirth education to help women cope with labor pain.

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP): A protein produced by the fetus that can be detected in the mother's blood most accurately between weeks 15 and 18 of pregnancy.

Alpha-fetoprotein test: A blood test given to an expectant mother typically between weeks 15 and 18 of pregnancy to screen for an increased risk of the baby having certain birth defects. High levels of AFP may be associated with spina bifida (a neural tube defect) or an increased chance of problems with baby's growth later in pregnancy; low levels may be associated with Down syndrome. The test is used to decide whether more invasive testing, such as an amniocentesis, should be considered.

Alveoli: Tiny milk-producing sacs that are arranged in clusters throughout the breast. Each breast has hundreds of alveoli. Once the milk is produced, it's secreted into tube-shaped ducts that travel to the nipple.

Amenorrhea: Absence of menstruation.

Amniocentesis: A diagnostic test to determine whether the fetus has any abnormalities. Performed anywhere between weeks 15 and 20 of pregnancy (though more commonly between weeks 16 and 18), amniocentesis tests the fluid inside the amniotic sac that surrounds the baby. The fluid, which contains the baby's skin cells, is drawn from the uterus through a hollow needle inserted through the expectant mother's abdominal wall and is tested for chromosomal abnormalities, genetic abnormalities, or other diseases.

Amnioinfusion: Injection of a sterile saline solution into the amniotic sac when there isn't enough amniotic fluid, when there is thick meconium staining or to prevent the umbilical cord from being squeezed during delivery when the level of amniotic fluid is too low.

Amniotic fluid: The clear fluid in the amniotic sac that surrounds the fetus during pregnancy. Amniotic fluid cushions the fetus, protects it against infection, stabilizes its temperature and helps a baby's lungs develop. Throughout pregnancy, the amniotic fluid is constantly being replenished.

Amniotic sac: The membrane that surrounds the baby in the uterus and contains amniotic fluid in which the baby floats. Also called the bag of waters, the amniotic sac will rupture naturally or be ruptured artificially during labor.

Amniotomy: Artificial rupturing of the membranes (amniotic sac) by a doctor or midwife to help speed labor. Amniotomy is done with an instrument that looks like a long crochet hook with a sharp tip.

Anal fissures: Cracks in the anus that can cause bleeding. Anal fissures can be accompanied by hemorrhoids or appear independently. Constipation causes and/or compounds them.

Analgesia: Any intervention that reduces the sensation of pain.

Analgesic: A medication that reduces the sensation of pain without loss of consciousness. Demerol is a commonly used analgesic during labor.

Anemia: A decrease in the number of red blood cells, usually due to a shortage of iron. The condition, detected through a blood test, causes such symptoms as fatigue, weakness, breathlessness or fainting spells. Eating a diet rich in iron and taking an iron supplement during the second half of pregnancy is crucial to keep up with the increased need for red blood cells.

Anencephaly: A rare birth defect in which the baby has a malformed skull and little or no brain. This is considered a neural tube defect.

Anesthesia: A general term describing techniques to ease pain. Types of anesthesia often used during childbirth include local anesthesia, general anesthetic or analgesics.

Anesthetic: A medication that produces a loss of sensation, either partially or completely.

Antenatal: Occurring or formed before birth; prenatal.

Antepartum: Occurring before childbirth, with reference to the mother.

Aorta: The artery responsible for bringing blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Lying faceup during pregnancy can compress the aorta.

Apgar score: A newborn baby's first test. Given one minute after a baby is born, then again five minutes later, the Apgar assesses the newborn’s skin color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone and respiration. A perfect Apgar score is 10; typical Apgar scores are seven, eight, or nine.

Apnea: A condition in which breathing stops briefly during sleep, temporarily reducing the amount of oxygen that is taken in.

Areola: The dark area on the breast surrounding the nipple. During pregnancy, the areola can spread and darken. While breastfeeding, the baby compresses the areola to extract breast milk.

Aromatherapy: Scented oils that are used to heal body, mind and spirit. Most experts advise caution when using aromatherapy during pregnancy, since some essential oils in a concentrated form could be hazardous.

Artificial insemination: A process used to help a woman trying to conceive when natural methods fail. Sperm is inserted into the woman's uterus using a catheter.

Artificial rupture of the membranes: The bursting of the sac holding the amniotic fluid using an instrument resembling a crochet hook with a pointy tip. Practitioners often rupture the membranes to speed up a labor that has slowed.

Aspiration: Drawing a substance into or out of the air passages. After a baby is born, the practitioner will aspirate the baby's mouth and nose using a bulb syringe to remove accumulated fluids or mucus and to prevent the baby from inhaling meconium, if any is present.

Assisted reproductive technology: Any procedure performed to help a woman become pregnant. See IVF and gamete intra-fallopian transfer.

Augmentation of labor: An intervention to help labor that has begun naturally to progress more rapidly. Often, Pitocin (a synthetic form of the hormone oxytocin) is used to make contractions stronger or to rupture the membranes.

Autologous transfusion: A transfusion of a person's own blood. Sometimes, in anticipation of surgery, a woman may donate her own blood for use later.

AZT: An antiretroviral drug that may be used to treat an HIV-positive pregnant woman. See Retrovir, zidovudine.

Baby blues: Mild depression that follows childbirth. It is usually the result of the postpartum hormonal swings and the natural slump after the excitement of labor and birth. Baby blues affects 60 to 80 percent of all new mothers. See postpartum depression.

Back labor: Excruciating pain in the back during labor. It occurs when the fetus is in an occiput posterior, with the back of its head pressing again the mother's spine.

Bacterial vaginosis: A type of sexually transmitted disease that can cause complications such as premature rupture of the membranes or infection of the amniotic fluid. Treatment with antibiotics is effective.

Bag of water: The membrane that surrounds the baby in the uterus and contains amniotic fluid in which the baby floats. Also called the amniotic sac, the bag of water will rupture naturally or be ruptured artificially during labor.

Basal body temperature (BBT): The body's temperature upon first waking up in the morning. The basal body temperature (tracked using a highly sensitive basal body thermometer) rises sharply around the time of ovulation, helping women determine when they're fertile.

Belly sling: A criss-cross sling used to support a pregnant woman's belly and lessen strain on the lower back. Belly slings may also help ease groin and sciatic pain and many come with hot/cold packs to help further relieve discomfort.

Biofeedback: A method that helps patients learn how to control their biological responses to pain or stress by increasing awareness of bodily processes such as heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. In pregnancy, biofeedback can help relieve headaches, insomnia and possibly morning sickness.

Biophysical profile: A test, typically performed after week 32 of pregnancy, but can be done after week 24, to check how the baby is doing while inside the uterus. Using ultrasound, this test assesses fetal breathing, fetal movement, fetal tone, and amniotic fluid volume.

Birth assistant: Someone who is trained in basic childbirth support skills and helps the laboring mother during labor and delivery.

Birth canal: The passageway the baby travels through during birth. It is made up of the cervix, vagina and vulva.

Birth defect: An abnormality in a baby caused by an error during fetal development. Birth defects may or may not be genetic.

Birthing ball: A large air-filled rubber ball that a woman can sit on during labor. It allows the woman to rock back and forth during labor and may help reduce back discomfort during contractions and allow the mother to relax.

Birthing center: A facility offering a homelike setting for childbirth. It is designed for women with low-risk pregnancies and it may be a freestanding facility, or located adjacent to, or in, a hospital. Birthing centers often have less restrictive regulations than hospitals—for example, friends and family may be permitted to visit during the delivery.

Birthing chair: A birthing chair is designed to support a laboring woman in a sitting or squatting position during delivery, allowing for an assist from gravity.

Birth plan: A written set of directives created by expectant parents that expresses how they'd like labor to be managed. A birth plan might mention preferences about walking during labor, induction, cesarean section, use of camera/video, pain medication, etc.

Birthing room: A room designed and equipped for a woman giving birth.

Bishop score: An evaluation of readiness for delivery. The score is calculated by using the degree of cervical dilation and effacement, the station the presenting part has reached and cervical texture and position.

Bladder: The part of the body that holds urine.

Blastocyst: The rapidly dividing fertilized egg when it enters the mother's uterus.

Blighted ovum: A fertilized egg that fails to form into a baby.

Blood pressure: The amount of pressure blood exerts against the walls of the arteries. The upper number refers to the systolic pressure (the amount of pressure when the heart contracts), and the lower number refers to the diastolic pressure (the amount of pressure when the heart relaxes). During pregnancy, blood pressure drops toward the second trimester and then rises again in the third trimester. High blood pressure during pregnancy can be caused by preeclampsia.

Bloody show: The discharge of the blood-tinged mucous plug. A gelatinous "cork" of mucus seals the opening of the uterus during pregnancy. As the cervix effaces and dilates before and during labor, blood vessels frequently rupture, tinting the vaginal mucus pink or streaking it with blood. This show usually means that labor will start anywhere between 24 hours and several days away. See mucus plug.

Body mass index (BMI): The relationship of a person's height to weight. The formula is calculated by multiplying 703 by a person's weight (in pounds) and dividing that number by the square of the person's height (in inches).

Bradley Method: This series of childbirth education classes teaches women to mimic their nighttime sleeping position and use deep, slow, abdominal breathing to manage the pain of labor. The approach in childbirth is one in which the woman's partner focuses on supporting her in various ways during labor and delivery.

Bradycardia: Slow heartbeat, usually fewer than 100 beats per minute for a baby.

Braxton Hicks contractions: Irregular or "practice" contractions starting around the eighth month that prepare the uterus for labor. Unlike true labor, Braxton Hicks contractions aren't painful and don't get stronger and closer over time.

Breaking of water: The bursting of the sac holding the amniotic fluid. Practitioners often break the water using an instrument that resembles a crochet hook with a pointy tip. This speeds up labor that has slowed.

Breastfeeding: When a baby extracts breast milk from the mother's breasts.

Breech position/presentation: When the baby's bottom or feet, rather than the head, face the mother's cervix as labor nears. Three to four percent of full-term babies are positioned this way.

Brow presentation: When the baby's head is bent backwards during birth so that the brow is the presenting part, instead of with the chin resting on the chest and the top of the head presenting, as is typical.

Candida: A yeast that can cause an infection.

Carpal tunnel syndrome: Numbness, tingling and pain in the hand and arm caused by the compression of a nerve in the wrist. Carpal tunnel syndrome caused by pregnancy swelling usually goes away after delivery.

Catheter: A small flexible tube used to draw fluids from the body. During delivery, women who have received epidurals and can't urinate often have catheters placed into their bladders to allow the urine to empty into a bag.

Cephalic presentation: When the baby is positioned head first toward the mother’s pelvis as labor nears. This is the typical presentation for a full-term baby.

Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD): When a baby's head is too large to pass through the mother's pelvis. This condition usually results in a cesarean section.

Cervical cerclage: A stitch placed in a weak or incompetent cervix to keep the cervix closed and support a pregnancy to term.

Cerebral palsy (CP): A disorder caused by a prenatal brain defect or brain injury that can occur during pregnancy or during birth. It affects a child’s ability to move, maintain balance and posture, can result in seizures, and in some cases can lead to mental or learning disabilities.

Certified nurse-midwife (CNM): A nurse (an R.N.) who has completed graduate-level programs in midwifery and is licensed by the state. Most CNMs have a collaborative relationship with a physician.

Certified professional midwife (CPM): A direct entry midwife who is certified by the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM). CPMs generally assist only in home births.

Cervical cap: A barrier method birth control device that fits over a woman's cervix and keeps sperm from entering.

Cervical mucus: Menstrual cycle secretions. The discharge resembles raw egg white and is very stretchy around the time of ovulation. It is white, thick and cloudy when conception is less like to happen.

Cervical os: The opening of the cervix.

Cervical ripening: The process that prepares the cervix for labor, making the cervix soft and thin. Cervical ripening either occurs naturally or can be accomplished artificially using prostaglandins or misoprostol.

Cervidil: A medication used to ripen or soften the cervix before labor is induced.

Cervix: The narrow, lower end of the uterus. During labor, the cervix softens, thins and opens to allow the baby to leave the uterus.

Cesarean section (C-section): A surgical procedure in which a baby is delivered through a cut in the abdomen and uterus. Used when a woman can't give birth vaginally. Also called C-section.

Chadwick's sign: An early sign of pregnancy. The cervix and/or vagina turn a deep bluish-purple color.

Chlamydia: A common sexually transmitted disease, often with no visible symptoms. Left untreated, chlamydia can make a woman infertile. If a woman who has chlamydia becomes pregnant, she can pass the infection on to the baby, causing pneumonia, eye infections and, in severe cases, blindness. Chlamydia is treatable with antibiotics. All babies receive antibiotics in their eyes after they are born to protect against chlamydia.

Chloasma: Also called the "mask of pregnancy" and more common in women with darker complexions, this discoloration of the face appears in a mask-like configuration or a confetti-like appearance on the forehead, nose and cheeks and is caused by pregnancy hormones. It gradually fades after delivery.

Chorioamnionitis: Inflammation of the membranes and the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus.

Choriocarcinoma: An extremely rare cancer that grows in the uterus, in most cases during a pregnancy.

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS): An early genetic diagnostic test, usually given between weeks 10 and 13 of pregnancy. A small amount of tissue from the cells that line the placenta (called the chorionic villi) are removed through the cervix or abdomen with a needle and screened for Down syndrome and other abnormalities.

Chromosomal abnormality: A problem with the chromosomes (either inherited or caused by a mutation) that leads to Down syndrome or other abnormalities. Half of all first-trimester miscarriages are estimated to be the result of chromosomal abnormalities.

Chromosome: The part of the cell that carries the genetic material of a person.

Chronic hypertension: Ongoing high blood pressure that is present when the patient is not pregnant.

Cleansing breath: Part of the Lamaze technique of childbirth, the cleansing breath is a deep breath a laboring woman inhales through the nose and exhales out the mouth. It is used at the beginning and end of a contraction to help restore normal breathing and reduce stress.

Cleft lip: A birth defect in which the upper lip isn't formed properly. The groove in the lip can be repaired with surgery, usually performed before the baby is a year old.

Cleft palate: A birth defect in which the upper lip and palate (roof of the mouth) do not grow together. Surgery to repair a cleft palate is usually performed as early as possible, usually between 9 months and 14 months.

Clubfoot: A birth defect in which the foot or ankle is deformed and the foot turns inward so that the bottom of the foot faces sideways. Club foot is treated with exercises, splinting or surgery.

Coccyx pain: Pain in the tailbone area (coccyx) following delivery because of injury to the muscles of the pelvic floor or because the tailbone is fractured.

Colostrum: The thin, sticky, yellow fluid secreted by the breasts before the production of true breast milk. Colostrum is rich in fats, protein and antibodies. Some women notice small amounts of colostrum during and toward the end of pregnancy.

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): CAM emphasizes the body's ability to heal itself by using herbs, physical manipulation, the spirit, and the mind. Some examples of CAM that can be used during pregnancy include: acupuncture, acupressure, biofeedback, chiropractic medicine, massage, hydrotherapy and hypnosis.

Complete miscarriage: When all the products of conception (fetus, tissue) are expelled from the uterus. See incomplete miscarriage.

Conceive: To initiate a pregnancy, which is what happens when a sperm fertilizes an egg.

Conception: When a sperm and egg join to form a single cell, usually in the fallopian tubes. The fertilized egg travels into the uterus, where it implants in the lining.

Congenital disorder: A condition existing at or from birth.

Constipation: Bowel movements that are irregular, hard, dry and difficult to push out.

Contraception: Methods to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant.

Contraction: The strong, rhythmic tightening of the uterus during labor. Regular strong and painful contractions dilate the cervix and push the baby through the birth canal.

Contraction stress test (CST): A test to check on how the baby is doing while inside the uterus. A CST tests how the baby responds to the stress of uterine contractions. The mother is hooked up to a fetal monitor and is given oxytocin via an IV, while the baby is monitored to see how it responds to contractions.

Convulsion: A series of spasm-like contractions of muscles.

Cord: See umbilical cord.

Cord blood banking: The collecting and storing of the baby's umbilical-cord blood for future medical use. Though still controversial, some parents opt for private banking in case the stem cells should be needed one day for the treatment of a serious disease in the child or another family member.

Cord blood harvesting: Blood from the newborn's umbilical cord and placenta is removed after the cord is clamped and cut. It can then be banked, or stored for future use.

Cord compression: When the umbilical cord gets squeezed during labor and/or delivery, reducing blood flow and oxygen to the baby.

Cord knots: When the umbilical cord becomes knotted, either during delivery or when the baby moves around in utero. Knots usually remain loose and pose no threat, but if the knot is pulled tight, blood flow to the baby can be compromised.

Cord prolapse: When the umbilical cord slips through the cervix or into the vagina ahead of the baby during delivery. If the prolapsed cord is compressed, it may cut off the baby's blood and oxygen supply.

Corpus luteum: A small yellowish body of cells that form after ovulation and occupy the space in the follicle formerly occupied by the egg in the ovary. It produces progesterone and estrogen and during pregnancy it supports the pregnancy until the placenta takes over the role at around ten weeks.

Corpus luteum cyst: If the corpus luteum fails to regress at the expected time (around 10 weeks into pregnancy), it turns into a cyst. It rarely presents a problem, but a practitioner will monitor its size as a precaution.

Cortisol: A stress hormone that rises during pregnancy.

Couvade syndrome: When a father-to-be exhibits physical responses to his partner's pregnancy, including weight gain, backache, food cravings and mood swings.

Cradle hold: A well-known breastfeeding position in which the mother places her baby on her lap, rests the baby on his or her side and supports the head in the crook of her arm. This position is recommended once mothers and babies have become comfortable with nursing, usually after the first month.

Crossover hold: The position during breastfeeding in which the mother holds the baby's head with the hand opposite the breast her baby is feeding from.

Crowning: During labor when the baby's head has reached the external vaginal opening and can be seen from the outside.

Crown-to-rump length: The measurement of a fetus's size from the top of the head to the buttocks. This measurement is usually used during a first-trimester ultrasound to determine the gestational age of the fetus.

Curettage: The scrapping of the lining of the uterus to remove any residual products of conception following an incomplete miscarriage.

Cystic fibrosis: An inherited disorder that affects the respiratory and digestive systems.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV): A common and highly contagious viral infection. If contracted during pregnancy, CMV may lead to hearing loss, vision problems and behavioral problems in the baby.

D&C: Abbr. See dilation and curettage.

Deep vein thrombosis: A blood clot that develops in a vein deep in a limb.

Dehydration: When the body loses more fluid than it takes in.

Demerol: An analgesic used to reduce the sensation of pain during labor and delivery.

Depo-Provera: A form of birth control. Depo-Provera is a high dose of the hormone progestin, which is injected every three months.

DES: A synthetic form of estrogen once given to women to prevent miscarriage. The daughter of a woman who took DES while pregnant with her may have a higher risk for certain cancers and fertility complications.

Diabetes: A disorder in which the body does not produce enough insulin, resulting in too much sugar in the bloodstream.

Diaphragm: A barrier type birth control method that covers the cervix and prevents sperm from reaching the egg.

Diastasis recti: The separation of the muscles running down the middle of the stomach, from the bottom of the rib cage to the top of the pubic bone during pregnancy. The muscles slowly return to normal after delivery.

Diastolic blood pressure: When taking blood pressure, it is the lower number, representing the amount of pressure when the heart is relaxed.

Dilation: The opening of the cervix. Dilation is measured as the diameter of the cervix in centimeters.

Dilation and curettage (D&C): A procedure in which the cervix is mechanically dilated and the contents of the uterus scraped or suctioned out. It is performed after an incomplete miscarriage.

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): A polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid. DHA is a major component of the brain and retina and is essential for proper brain growth and eye development in a fetus and young baby. Eating a diet rich in DHA while pregnant and nursing is extremely important.

Doppler: A handheld ultrasound device that is used in pregnancy to amplify the sound of a fetus's heartbeat while in utero.

Doula: Also called childbirth assistants, doulas are specially trained to provide comfort and support during labor and delivery. A doula often acts as a liaison among the practitioner, nurses and the parents-to-be. Some doulas will also provide at-home assistance after the baby is born.

Down syndrome: The most common chromosomal abnormality, Down syndrome results when a fetus has an extra copy of chromosome number 21. It causes mild to severe mental disability, as well as other physical problems such as heart defects.

Dropping: Also known as lightening, dropping is when the fetus descends into the pelvic cavity in preparation for delivery. In first pregnancies, the baby often drops two to four weeks before delivery; in subsequent pregnancies, dropping often does not occur until labor.

Due date: The estimated date a baby might be born. It is typically determined based on the first day of a woman's last menstrual cycle. See Naegele's rule.

Dystocia: When labor does not progress. Labor dystocia is when contractions do not intensify and cervical change stops; shoulder dystocia is when a baby's shoulders get stuck after the head has already been delivered.

Early term: A baby born between week 37 and week 39 of pregnancy.

Eclampsia: Eclampsia occurs when untreated preeclampsia (characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine) progresses to involve the central nervous system, leading to seizures, coma or possibly death. It is a serious but rare condition that can develop late in pregnancy, during labor, or in the early postpartum stage. The only cure for eclampsia is delivery of the baby.

Ectopic pregnancy: When a fertilized egg does not enter the uterus, but instead implants elsewhere, usually in the fallopian tube. Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy include abnormal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, or shoulder pain. The ectopic pregnancy must be surgically removed to prevent rupture and damage of the fallopian tubes.

Edema: Swelling due to the accumulation of fluids in the tissues. Swelling in the ankles and feet occurs in about 75 percent of pregnant women.

Effacement: Also referred to as ripening, effacement is the thinning of the cervix in preparation for delivery. During effacement, the cervix starts out more than an inch thick and ends up paper-thin.

Egg: A female's reproductive cell produced by the ovary and fertilized by sperm to form an embryo. Also called an ovum.

Egg donation: When a woman provides her eggs to help an infertile woman. The donor's ovaries are stimulated by drugs to produce extra eggs, which are surgically removed, fertilized and then implanted in the recipient's uterus.

Ejaculate: The fluid emitted from a man's penis that contains sperm.

Ejaculation: When a man expels semen from his penis during orgasm.

Electronic fetal monitor: A device that checks a fetus's progress and vital signs during pregnancy or when a woman is in labor. It records the fetal heartbeat and the mother's contractions. Electronic fetal monitoring can be external or internal.

Embolism: A detached blood clot that blocks circulation in a blood vessel to a part of a body.

Embryo: The name used to describe a developing fertilized egg from the time of implantation through the eighth week after conception. After eight weeks it is called a fetus.

Embryonic stage: The second through eighth week after conception.

Embryo transfer: An assisted reproductive technology in which a fertilized egg is inserted into a woman's uterus in the hope that she becomes pregnant.

Endodermal germ layer: Also known as the endoderm or entoderm, this inner layer of cells in the embryo eventually develops into the digestive tract, respiratory organs, vagina, bladder and urethra.

Endometriosis: The condition that results when endometrial cells (the tissue that lines the uterus) grow outside the uterus, most often on the ovaries, fallopian tubes or in the abdominal cavity.

Endometrium: The lining of the uterus into which the embryo implants.

Endorphin: A hormone that helps reduce pain and promote a feeling of calmness. A laboring woman secretes endorphins.

Enema: No longer routinely administered in hospitals for laboring women, an enema empties the bowels.

Engaged: When the baby's head has moved down into the pelvis in preparation for birth.

Engagement: Engagement, also called lightening or dropping, is when the baby descends into the pelvic cavity in preparation for birth. In first-time mothers, this usually happens two to four weeks before delivery.

Engorgement: Swollen and tender breasts postpartum. Engorgement occurs when the mother's milk comes in between two days and a week after childbirth. Symptoms usually disappear in a few days when nursing is well established.

Epidural: Anesthesia administered to a laboring mother into the epidural space near the base of the spine to numb the lower body. It reduces pain significantly by making the mother unable to feel contractions during labor and delivery.

Episiotomy: An incision made in the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening just before the emergence of the baby's head.

Estimated date of birth (EDB): A term midwives use instead of "due date" because it puts the focus more on the mother and less on the practitioner. It is determined based on the first day of a woman's last menstrual cycle. See Naegele's rule.

Estimated date of confinement (EDC): An archaic term for the estimated date a baby might be born. It is determined based on the first day of a woman's last menstrual cycle. See Naegele's rule.

Estimated date of delivery (EDD): The estimated date a baby might be born. It is determined based on the first day of a woman's last menstrual cycle. See Naegele's rule.

Estriol: A hormone produced by the fetus and passed into the mother's bloodstream. Levels of this hormone can be tested via a blood test (quad screen) during the second trimester. Low levels (combined with high levels of other hormones) can indicate an increased risk of the baby having Down syndrome.

Estrogen: A hormone produced in the ovaries that works with progesterone to regulate menstruation.

Exclusive breastfeeding: Breastfeeding a baby without supplementing with formula.

Expressing breast milk: Removing breast milk from the breasts using a pump to store for a later feeding.

External cephalic version (ECV): The most frequently used method to turn a breech baby to the head-down position. Using ultrasound guidance, a practitioner will gently guide the fetus into a head-down position by applying his or her hands to the woman's abdomen.

External fetal monitoring: A device that monitors a fetus's progress and vital signs during pregnancy or when a woman is in labor. It records the fetal heartbeat and the mother's contractions.

Extrauterine pregnancy: Also called an ectopic pregnancy, an extrauterine pregnancy results when a fertilized egg does not enter the uterus, but instead implants elsewhere, usually in a fallopian tube. Symptoms of an extrauterine pregnancy include abnormal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, or shoulder pain. The extrauterine pregnancy must be surgically removed to prevent rupture and damage of the fallopian tubes.

Failure to progress: When labor has stopped due to weak contractions or cephalopelvic disproportion.

Fallopian tubes: The narrow ducts or tubes in a woman's abdomen that carries egg from the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization most often occurs in the fallopian tubes.

False labor: Contractions that are irregular, do not increase in frequency or severity and do not efface or dilate the cervix.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): The U.S. Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 requires up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for employees (of companies with more than 50 employees) to care for a newborn or newly adopted child. Under this act, people can also take time off to care for a sick child, parent or spouse.

Family practitioner: The updated term for the general practitioner who provides medical service for the whole family.

Fecal incontinence: The inability to hold in bowel movements. Sometimes, a tear or large episiotomy during labor can cause fecal incontinence.

Fertility: Being able to conceive and carry a baby to term.

Fertility medications: Medications used to enable a woman conceive a baby.

Fertility specialist: An obstetrician-gynecologist who specializes in treating people with fertility problems.

Fertilization: When an egg and sperm join together to form an embryo, usually in one of the fallopian tubes.

Fertilization age: The age of the fetus based on the actual date of conception, rather than on the first day of a woman's last menstrual cycle.

Fetal acoustic stimulation: A test to check on how the baby is doing while inside the uterus. A sound-and-vibration-producing instrument is placed on the mother's abdomen to determine the fetus's response to sound or vibrations. Also called vibroacoustic stimulation (VAS).

Fetal alcohol effects (FAE): Moderate drinking of alcohol (one to two drinks daily) during pregnancy can cause FAE in the baby, a syndrome characterized by numerous developmental and behavioral problems. The symptoms are subtle early on and become apparent when the child is older and has trouble with school and socialization.

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS): Heavy drinking of alcohol during pregnancy (four or more drinks a day) can cause numerous physical and mental birth defects in the baby.

Fetal anomaly: An abnormality or malformation in the fetus.

Fetal blood sampling: A genetic test that screens blood from a fetus umbilical cord for abnormalities.

Fetal diagnostic testing: Tests to determine the well-being of the fetus during pregnancy.

Fetal distress: When a fetus is not receiving enough oxygen. Signs of fetal distress include a slowed heartbeat or absence of fetal movement. Immediate delivery of the baby is warranted when there is fetal distress.

Fetal fibronectin (FFN): A protein that, if found in cervical-vaginal secretions, can indicate that labor is imminent. The FFN test is usually reserved for women at risk of preterm labor.

Fetal growth restriction (FGR): Slower than normal growth of a fetus in the womb.

Fetal heart rate: The rate of the baby's heartbeat while in the uterus or during delivery. Normal fetal heart rate is between 120 and 160 beats per minute.

Fetal loss: When a fetus dies inside the uterus.

Fetal-maternal exchange: The transfer of oxygen and nutrients from the expectant mother to the baby through the umbilical cord and the transfer of waste from the baby to the placenta.

Fetal monitoring: Tracking a fetus's heartbeat and a woman's uterine contractions during labor.

Fetal movement counts: After 27 weeks of pregnancy, women are encouraged to perform periodic counts to measure how often their baby moves within an hour. Times can vary, but 10 or more movements within one to two hours is considered normal.

Fetal period: The stage of fetal development following the embryonic stage, lasting from eight weeks gestation until birth.

Fetal presentation: The position of the baby, feet down (breech) or head down (vertex), inside a woman's uterus.

Fetal scalp stimulation: A test to check on how the baby is doing while inside the uterus. This test assesses how a fetus reacts to pressure on, or pinching of, the scalp.

Fetoscopy: A diagnostic procedure in which a doctor inserts a laparoscope (a small viewing instrument) through a small incision in a pregnant woman's abdomen and uterine wall to look for any abnormalities in the fetus.

Fetus: The name given to a baby in utero from eight weeks of development until birth.

Fever: When body temperature rises above its normal level. A fever is a temperature above 100.4 degrees F. A fever is the sign of an immune system at work and usually indicates an infection.

Fibroids: Growths on the uterus. Fibroids can be small or large and are almost always benign.

Focal point: A spot in a room — on the ceiling, floor, or wall, or a photograph or picture, for example — that a laboring woman can concentrate on to help her maintain control during contractions.

Folic acid: This B vitamin, found in prenatal vitamins and its natural form, folate, found in green, leafy vegetables, prevents anemia and has been shown to reduce incidence of neural tube defects such as spina bifida.

Follicle: An egg-containing cavity in the ovary that ruptures and releases an egg during ovulation.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): A hormone produced by the pituitary gland that stimulates the growth of eggs in the ovaries.

Fontanelles: The soft spots on a baby's head that allow its skull to compress during birth and pass through the birth canal. At birth, there are six fontanelles — they completely fuse by a child's second birthday.

Football hold: The position during breastfeeding in which the baby's legs rest under the arm as the baby faces the mother and nurses.

Footling breech: When one of the fetus’s legs is lowered over the mother’s cervix at term.

Forceps: Tong-shaped instruments that are inserted into the vagina and placed around the baby's head to ease it out of the birth canal during childbirth.

Frank breech: When the fetus is positioned buttocks down and his legs are stretched up with feet near the head at term.

Fraternal twins: Twins born at the same time but resulting from the fertilization of two different eggs.

Full-term: A baby born between 39 and 41 weeks gestation.

Fundal height: The distance between the top of a pregnant woman's uterus (fundus) to her pubic bone. The fundal height is measured to determine fetal growth.

Fundus: The rounded top part of the uterus.

Gamete intra-fallopian transfer: An infertility treatment similar to IVF in which sperm and surgically removed eggs are inserted into the fallopian tube at the same time, in the hope that the egg will be fertilized and implant in the uterus.

General anesthesia: Drugs that make a person unconscious and unable to feel pain. General anesthesia is sometimes used for emergency cesarean sections.

General practitioner: A physician who provides basic care. See family practitioner.

Genetic: Determined by genes. Inherited conditions are genetic.

Genetic counseling: Counseling with a healthcare professional to help prospective parents understand and evaluate their risks of having a child born with birth defects. Appropriate prenatal screening and testing, as well as treatment options, are also discussed.

Genetic disorder: A disease or condition caused by abnormal genes.

Genetic screening: Any test used to determine the risk of genetic abnormalities.

Genital herpes: A virus that affects the genital area. A mother with untreated genital herpes can pass the infection onto her newborn during childbirth.

Genitals: External sex organs in the male and female.

German measles: Also called rubella, German measles is a highly contagious viral disease causing a mild red rash that can cause serious birth defects in a fetus if a pregnant woman is afflicted. Women who haven't had German measles should make sure they're immunized before conception.

Gestation: Synonymous with pregnancy, gestation refers to the period of time a baby is carried in the uterus counted from the first day of the last menstrual period. Early-term gestation is between 37 to 39 weeks; full-term gestation is between 39 and 41 weeks; late-term gestation is between 41 and 42 weeks; and post-term gestation is 42 weeks or more.

Gestational age: The age of the fetus while in the uterus, counted from the first day of the last menstrual period.

Gestational diabetes: A condition that develops during pregnancy when blood sugar levels become too high because the mother doesn't produce enough insulin. Gestational diabetes can be treated, and it usually disappears after pregnancy.

Gingivitis: Red, tender, bleeding gums, which, if left untreated, can develop into periodontitis, a serious form of gum disease.

Glucose: A form of sugar present in the blood.

Glucose challenge test: See glucose screening test.

Glucose screening test: A preliminary test used to check for diabetes. Also called a glucose challenge test (GCT). A person consumes a sweet glucose drink one hour before having some blood drawn. If the blood work shows elevated levels of glucose, a glucose tolerance test is ordered to confirm diabetes.

Glucose tolerance test: This is the next step if a glucose screening test comes back elevated. A fast is required prior to this three-hour study, which consists of consuming a highly concentrated sweet glucose drink before having blood drawn at specific intervals. If the blood work of a pregnant woman comes back again with elevated numbers, there's a high probability that she has gestational diabetes.

Glucosuria: Glucose in the urine.

Gonorrhea: A sexually transmitted disease that can lead to preterm delivery or serious eye problems for the baby, among other ailments, if contracted and not treated during pregnancy.

Gravida: The medical term for a pregnant woman.

Group B streptococcus (GBS): A bacterium that can be found in the vagina and can be picked up by the baby as he or she passes through the vaginal canal during childbirth, causing a very serious infection. Testing for GBS is usually scheduled between weeks 35 and 37. The practitioner will use vaginal and rectal swabs, and, if the result is positive, the treatment is to administer either IV antibiotics during labor or oral antibiotics during the last weeks of pregnancy.

GYN: Abbr. See gynecologist.

Gynecologist (GYN): A physician who specializes in gynecology. See ob-gyn.

Habitual miscarriage (or abortion): Three or more consecutive miscarriages.

HCG: Abbr. See human chorionic gonadotropin.

Heartburn: A burning sensation felt in the chest and throat when acid from the stomach leaks up into the esophagus. During pregnancy, the muscle at the top of the stomach that usually prevents digestive acids from going back up relaxes, allowing gastric juices to splash back. The pressure of the growing uterus also puts pressure on the stomach, allowing acid to travel back.

Hegar's sign: Used by physicians and midwives as a sign of pregnancy. The area between the cervix and the uterus softens in early pregnancy.

HELLP syndrome: An abbreviation for hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets. HELLP is a rare, serious condition occurring during pregnancy on its own or in association with preeclampsia. Symptoms include severe upper-right abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting in the third trimester as well as full-body itching. The treatment is to deliver the baby.

Hematocrit: In a blood test, the number (or percentage) of red blood cells.

Hemoglobin: A type of protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen to body tissues.

Hemophilia: A hereditary blood disorder in which blood does not clot properly. It almost always occurs in males, though women can be carriers.

Hemorrhage: Heavy bleeding from the uterus. Hemorrhage is rare and can occur postpartum.

Hemorrhoids: Varicose veins of the rectum, afflicting 20 to 50 percent of pregnant women. Caused by increased blood volume and pressure from the uterus on the veins in the pelvis, the swollen veins in the rectum look like a pile of grapes and cause itching, pain, and bleeding. They can also appear postpartum as a result of pushing during labor. Constipation can cause hemorrhoids or compound them.

Hepatitis B: An infection of the liver caused by a blood-borne virus or through sexual contact. It can be passed from mother to child during pregnancy, though there is a vaccine that all newborns receive.

Herpes: A sexually transmitted disease involving the genital area. A woman with untreated genital herpes can pass the infection onto her newborn during childbirth.

High-risk pregnancy: A pregnancy with a higher than normal risk of developing complications. Risk may be related to a woman's age, a woman carrying multiple fetuses, Rh incompatibility, preterm labor, placenta previa, gestational diabetes, among other conditions.

HIV: The virus that causes AIDS, often sexually transmitted. If untreated, an HIV-positive mother can transmit the virus to her fetus.

Home birth: Labor and delivery that takes place at home, usually with a midwife present.

Home pregnancy test: A test that diagnoses pregnancy by detecting the presence of the hormone hCG in the urine. Some home pregnancy tests can be used even before the day the next menstrual period is due.

Hormone: A chemical secretion that the body produces to stimulate or slow down various body functions.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): A hormone produced during pregnancy. Excreted in urine, hCG is used in testing to detect pregnancy.

Hydatidiform mole: An abnormal pregnancy in which there is no fetus, only an abnormal mass growth.

Hydramnios: When there is too much amniotic fluid in the uterus.

Hydrocephalus: A relatively rare condition caused by an abnormal amount of fluid in the brain. It is sometimes the first sign of spina bifida.

Hydrotherapy: The therapeutic use of warm water, usually in a spa bath tub, often used to help relax a laboring woman and reduce her discomfort. A complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) technique.

Hyperemesis gravidarum: An exaggerated form of morning sickness characterized by extreme, frequent and severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, and sometimes leading to dehydration and hospitalization.

Hyperglycemia: Having too much glucose in the blood. Hyperglycemia is usually a sign of gestational diabetes.

Hypertension: High blood pressure.

Hyperthyroidism: Elevated levels of the thyroid hormones. If left untreated, hyperthyroidism can cause problems during pregnancy.

Hyperventilation: Breathing too fast, leading to dizziness and tingling. Can occur during labor.

HypnoBirthing: Using hypnosis during labor. It employs suggestions and the power of the mind to control labor pain.

Hypnosis: CAM technique that can be useful in providing pain management during labor and delivery. It may also sometimes help turn a breech baby and hold off premature labor.

Hypotension: Low blood pressure. Some women experience hypotension when they get an epidural during labor.

Hypothyroidism: A deficiency of thyroid hormone due to an underactive thyroid gland. If left untreated, hypothyroidism can cause problems during and/or after pregnancy.

Hypoxia: A lack of sufficient oxygen to the baby, due to a cord compression or low blood pressure in the mother.

Hysterectomy: The surgical removal of the uterus.

Identical twins: Identical twins are formed from the division of one fertilized egg that then grows into two fetuses. They are genetically identical and will look exactly alike.

Immune system: The protective system of the body that defends against infection and disease.

Immunization : The administration of a vaccine, often by injection, that makes the body resistant to certain bacteria or viruses.

Implantation: The process in which a fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus.

Inborn errors of metabolism: Genetic defects in which a baby is missing an enzyme or other chemical substance, making it impossible to metabolize a particular dietary element. Most disorders can be tested for at birth or diagnosed prenatally.

Incision: A cut made to open the body during surgery. During a cesarean section, an incision is made in the abdomen and uterus.

Incompetent cervix (cervical insufficiency): A condition in which the cervix, under pressure from the growing uterus, opens too soon without contractions before a pregnancy has reached term. It can cause a miscarriage in the second trimester or preterm labor in the third. Incompetent cervix is often treated with a cerclage.

Incomplete miscarriage: A miscarriage in which not all of the uterine contents are expelled. The remaining tissue is usually removed with a D&C.

Incontinence: The inability to control one's bladder or bowel movements. See urinary incontinence; fecal incontinence.

Induction: Using artificial means (such as drugs like Pitocin or prostaglandins or by rupturing of the membranes) to start labor.

Inevitable miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion): A pregnancy with bleeding and cramping and an open cervix in which a miscarriage is unavoidable and cannot be prevented.

Inferior vena cava: The vein responsible for returning blood from the lower body to the heart. Lying faceup during pregnancy can compress the inferior vena cava.

Infertility: The inability to conceive or carry a child to term.

Inhibin-A: A hormone produced by the placenta and passed into the mother's bloodstream. Levels of this hormone can be checked via a blood test (quad screen) during the second trimester. High levels (combined with high levels of other hormones) can indicate an increased risk of the baby having Down syndrome.

Insomnia: Inability to fall or stay asleep.

Insulin: Insulin regulates the level of glucose in the blood and ensures that enough is taken in by the body cells for nourishment.

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection: An assisted fertilization technique in which a single sperm is injected into a single egg and the resulting embryo is transplanted into the uterus.

Intrapartum fever: Elevated body temperature in a pregnant woman during labor and/or delivery.

Intrauterine device (IUD): A device (plastic or metal) placed in a woman's uterus to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg.

Intrauterine insemination: Used to help couples trying to conceive when natural methods fail. Sperm is inserted into the woman's uterus using a catheter.

Intravenous catheter (IV): A small, hollow flexible tube inserted into a vein so that fluids or medications can be given.

In utero: Inside the uterus.

Inverted nipples: A condition in which the nipples retract into the breast tissues instead of sticking out when cold or when the breast is compressed at the edge of the areola. Women with inverted nipples may have to try techniques to draw them out before attempting to breastfeed.

In vitro fertilization (IVF): A procedure, used to treat infertility, in which an egg and sperm are combined outside the womb to cause fertilization, and then implanted in a woman's uterus.

Involution: The postpartum process of the uterus returning to its normal size after the birth of a baby.

Iron deficiency anemia: A decrease in the number of red blood cells, usually due to a shortage of iron. The condition, detected through a blood test, causes such symptoms as fatigue, weakness, breathlessness, or fainting spells. Eating a diet rich in iron and taking an iron supplement during the second half of pregnancy is crucial to keep up with the increased need for red blood cells.

Kegel exercises: Simple exercise designed to tone the muscles in the vaginal and perineal area, strengthening them in preparation for delivery. To do Kegels, a woman firmly tenses the muscles around the vagina, similarly to how you would stop the flow of urine, and holding it as long as possible, then slowly releases the muscles.

Labia: The two sets of skin folds that protect a woman's genitals.

Labor: The process of childbirth, beginning with the rhythmic contractions of the uterine muscles, which open the cervix to allow a baby to be born, and ending with the expulsion of the placenta.

Labor-delivery-postpartum room (LDPR): A room, usually in a hospital or birthing center, designed to accommodate a woman's labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum stay.

Labor-delivery-recovery room (LDR): A room, usually in a hospital or birthing center, designed to accommodate a woman's labor, delivery and recovery.

Laceration: In labor, a laceration refers to a tear in the perineal area that occurs during childbirth.

Lactation: The production of milk that usually begins between two and five days after a woman gives birth.

Lactation consultant or specialist: A person trained to assist breastfeeding women.

Lactose intolerance: A condition in which the body has difficulty digesting lactose, a sugar found in dairy products. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include bloating, diarrhea, gas, pain or cramps.

Lamaze: This technique for preparing for childbirth is based on the idea that the best way to control pain is through knowledge and relaxation. The approach uses relaxation and rhythmic breathing patterns by the laboring woman in conjunction with the support of her coach to deal with the pain of labor and delivery.

Lanugo: The fine temporary hair that covers the fetus by the middle of pregnancy; it begins to shed by the eighth month but is sometimes still present at birth.

Large for gestational age (LGA): A newborn weighing more than most babies born — usually ten or more pounds at term.

Last menstrual period (LMP): The first day of last menstrual period, the date that is used to calculate the 40 weeks of pregnancy and a woman's due date. See Naegele's rule.

Latching on: The movement in which the baby takes the nipple and areola properly into the mouth to begin breastfeeding.

Latent labor: The first and longest phase of labor during which the cervix effaces and dilates to three centimeters.

Late term pregnancy: A pregnancy between weeks 41 and 42. The pregnancy has gone past term (40 weeks) and is considered late but not yet postterm (or 42 weeks and beyond).

Laxative: A food or medicine that stimulates evacuation of the bowels.

Lay midwife: An uncertified or unlicensed midwife who has no formal medical training but has experience with childbirth. Only a few states allow lay midwives to practice, and then only at home births.

Layette: Clothing and other supplies for a newborn baby.

LDPR: Abbr. See labor-delivery-postpartum recovery room.

LDR: Abbr. See labor-delivery-postpartum recovery room.

Leboyer birth: A childbirth technique that advocates a trauma-free birth. This can include putting the baby on the mother's abdomen immediately after delivery, dimming the lights, massaging the baby or giving the newborn a warm bath.

Leg cramps: Painful leg spasms common at night during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Leg cramp pain can be relieved by straightening the leg and flexing the ankle and toes slowly up toward the nose.

Leopold's maneuvers: Techniques used by physicians and midwives to determine fetal presentation and position in utero. The practitioner positions his or her hands on the woman's abdomen and feels for the baby's head, back and buttocks.

Let-down: The let-down reflex is an involuntary reflex during breastfeeding that causes the milk to flow freely as a response to the suckling of the baby.

Leukorrhea: A thick, milky, mild-smelling vaginal discharge that is normal during pregnancy. It usually increases as pregnancy progresses and can get heavy at times.

Lightening: Also known as dropping, lightening is when the fetus descends into the pelvic cavity in preparation for delivery. In first pregnancies, the baby often drops two to four weeks before delivery; in subsequent pregnancies, dropping often does not occur until labor.

Linea alba: The white line that runs down the center of the abdomen to the top of the pubic bone. During pregnancy, it darkens and is renamed the linea nigra.

Linea nigra: The so-called black line that runs down the center of the abdomen to the top of the pubic bone. This darkening is caused by pregnancy hormones. The linea nigra may be more noticeable in dark-skinned women than those who are fair-skinned.

Listeriosis: An infection caused by bacteria found in certain foods including unpasteurized milk products, undercooked meats, fish, shellfish, poultry, deli meats and unwashed vegetables. The symptoms of listeriosis are similar to those of the flu. The illness can be transmitted in utero to a baby and lead to serious complications.

LMP: Abbr. See last menstrual period.

Local anesthesia: An injection of anesthetic to numb a small area on the body. Women are often given a local before receiving an epidural or an episiotomy.

Lochia: Postpartum vaginal discharge and bleeding that resembles a heavy period and continues after delivery up until about six weeks before tapering off.

Low birth weight baby: A full-term infant weighing less than five pounds eight ounces at birth.

Luteinizing hormone: A hormone produced by the pituitary gland that stimulates other hormone of the reproductive system and causes the release of a mature egg from the follicle.

Macrosomia: A condition in which a newborn has a high birth weight of 9 pounds 15 ounces or more. It is common to diabetic mothers.

Magnesium sulfate: A medication used to prevent and treat eclampsia.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): A diagnostic tool that in pregnancy can yield a clearer picture of the fetal condition than ultrasound can provide.

Malpresentation: An abnormal position of a baby's body or head during childbirth.

Mammary glands: The glands of the breast that produce breast milk.

Mask of pregnancy (see chloasma): More common in women with darker complexions, this discoloration of the face during pregnancy appears in a mask-like configuration or a confetti-like appearance on the forehead, nose and cheeks. It gradually fades after delivery.

Mastitis: An infection of a milk duct in the breast. Symptoms include swelling, tenderness, redness, and fever. Treatment for mastitis includes massage, warm compress, continued breastfeeding from the infected side, and usually antibiotics.

Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist: An ob-gyn who specializes in the care of high-risk pregnancies.

Maternity center: A facility designed and equipped for childbirth. It is intended for women with low-risk pregnancies. Also called a birthing center.

Maternity leave: Paid or unpaid time off work to care for a new baby. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, companies with 50 or more employees are required to offer eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a new baby.

Meconium: A greenish-brown substance that comes from a baby's digestive tract and is ordinarily passed after delivery as the baby's first stool. Sometimes, the meconium is passed before birth, in which case it stains the amniotic fluid, turning it greenish brown.

Meconium aspiration: When meconium is present in the amniotic fluid during delivery and the newborn breathes it in, the meconium can irritate and possibly damage the airways. The mouth and nose are suctioned to prevent aspiration of meconium-stained fluid.

Meconium staining: When the baby passes meconium before birth into the amniotic fluid.

Membranes: The sac that surrounds the baby in the uterus and contains amniotic fluid in which the baby floats. Also called the bag of water or amniotic sac, the membranes will rupture naturally or be ruptured artificially during labor.

Menstrual cycle: The regular monthly reproductive cycle of a woman, including the growth of the lining of the uterus, the release of an egg and, if no fertilized egg is implanted, the expulsion of the uterine lining (the menstrual period). The typical cycle lasts 28 to 30 days and is counted from the first day of the period to the first day of the next period.

Mercury: A toxic substance that can harm an unborn baby's developing brain and nervous system. Mercury is found in high concentrations in certain types of fish including shark, swordfish, tilefish and king mackerel.

Midwife: A person with training and professional experience who provides care to women during pregnancy and through labor and delivery. Midwives usually take a holistic and woman-focused approach to pregnancy and childbirth; many work with the backup support of a medical doctor.

Miscarriage: The spontaneous and involuntary loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks, estimated to occur in 15 to 20 percent of all pregnancies. Most miscarriages occur in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and many occur before a woman even knows she's pregnant.

Misoprostol: A drug used to soften the cervix and induce labor.

Missed miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion): When an embryo or fetus dies in the womb during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy but does not expel from the uterus. Eventually the pregnancy will expel, but some women choose to undergo a D&C instead of waiting for it to happen.

Molar pregnancy: An abnormal pregnancy in which there is no fetus, only an abnormal mass growth.

Molding: The temporary reshaping of a baby's head to facilitate its passage through the birth canal.

Montgomery's tubercles or follicles: The small goosebump-like glands that appear on the areola during pregnancy.

Morning sickness: Nausea, vomiting and food and smell aversions, that affects more than 70 percent of pregnant women. Morning sickness, which can occur any time of day, usually begins at four to eight weeks gestation and subsides by week 14 or 16.

Moxibustion: A traditional Chinese treatment that combines acupuncture and burning herbs. In pregnancy it may be used to help turn a breech baby.

MSAFP: Abbreviation for maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein screening. A blood test given to the expectant mother between weeks 15 and 20 of pregnancy to screen for an increased risk of the baby having a birth defect. High levels of MSAFP may be associated with a neural tube defect; low levels may be associated with Down syndrome. The test is used to decide whether a woman should undergo more invasive testing, such as an amniocentesis.

Mucus plug: A gelatinous "cork" of mucus often tinted with blood that seals the opening of the uterus during pregnancy. At the start of labor, or in some cases, a few weeks before labor actually begins, this thick, gloppy, bloody plug becomes dislodged from the cervix and passes through the vagina. See bloody show.

Multigravida: A woman who has previously been pregnant.

Multipara: A woman who has previously had one or more babies.

Multiple birth: When a woman delivers more than one baby.

Multiple pregnancy: When a woman has more than one fetus in the womb, as in the case of twins, triplets, or other higher order multiples.

Mutation: A noninherited genetic disorder that happens when an egg, sperm, or embryo undergoes spontaneous changes.

Naegele's rule: The method used for estimating a pregnant woman's due date. Take the first day of the last menstrual period and add 280 days. The estimation was first developed in the 1800s by Franz Naegele, a German obstetrician.

Narcotics: Drugs used to block or relieve the sensation of pain during labor and delivery, such as Demerol, which is a narcotic analgesic.

Natural childbirth: A term used to describe a labor and delivery without medication and/or medical intervention.

Nausea: A queasy feeling in the stomach that can, but does not always, lead to vomiting. Nausea is very common in the first trimester.

Neonatal: The time from a baby's birth to four weeks of age.

Neonatal death: The death of a live-born baby anytime between birth and four weeks of age.

Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU): A special care nursery for sick and premature newborns . NICUs are staffed with specialists trained to care for babies with special needs and use advanced technology in the care of those babies.

Neonate: A newborn.

Neonatologist: A physician who specializes in the care of newborns.

Nesting instinct: Toward the end of pregnancy, many pregnant women feel an urge to prepare for the impending birth. This burst of energy can lead an expectant mother to clean out the house or organize the nursery, among other behaviors.

Neural tube defect: A birth defect related to the baby's brain or spine.

Newborn: The term for a baby between birth and one month old. Also referred to as the neonatal period.

NICU: Abbr. See neonatal intensive care unit.

Nipple confusion: A newborn who switches back and forth between a bottle and a breast might experience confusion because the sucking techniques are different for each. Nipple confusion may make breastfeeding more difficult.

Nipples: The small projection near the center of the breast containing the outlets of the milk ducts.

Non-reassuring fetal status: An indication, based on a nonstress test or other test, that a fetus might be in distress.

Nonstress test (NST): A way to check on how the baby is doing while inside the uterus. In a nonstress test, the expectant mother is hooked up to a fetal monitor and the response of the fetal heart rate to fetal movements is observed. If the heart rate doesn't respond as expected to fetal movement, the results are considered non-reassuring. See oxytocin challenge test.

Nuchal cord: A condition in which the umbilical cord wraps around the fetus's neck in utero.

Nuchal fold thickness: A thickening of skin behind the fetal neck, visible via ultrasound, that may indicate an increased risk of Down syndrome or other conditions.

Nuchal translucency: An abnormal collection of fluid behind the fetal neck during the first trimester and visible via ultrasound. The presence of fluid can indicate increased risk of a chromosomal disorder or other birth defects.

Nulliparous: A woman who has never delivered a baby.

Nurse-midwife: A registered nurse who has completed graduate-level programs in midwifery. Most nurse-midwives have a collaborative relationship with a physician.

Nurse practitioner: A nurse who has completed a master's program in a specialty and is able to diagnose and treat conditions, as well as prescribe medications.

OB/GYN: Obstetrician-gynecologist. A physician specializing in women's reproductive health.

Obstetrician: A physician specializing in obstetrics.

Obstetrics: The medical field dealing with the management of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.

Obstructed labor: When labor does not progress.

Occiput anterior position: When the baby faces the mother's spine in utero and/or during labor. This is the most common position for emerging babies.

Occiput posterior presentation: When the baby's head is facing away from the mother's spine. If a baby is in this position during labor, it can cause tremendous back pain for the mother, known as back labor.

Oligohydramnios: A condition in which there is too little amniotic fluid in the uterus. Though most times women diagnosed with oligohydramnios continue with a normal pregnancy, it can sometimes be a sign of fetal distress.

Omega-3 fatty acids: Essential fatty acids such as DHA. DHA is a major component of the brain and retina and is essential for proper brain growth and eye development in a fetus and young baby. Eating a diet rich in DHA during pregnancy and while nursing is extremely important.

Operative vaginal delivery: A vaginal birth in which forceps or vacuum extraction is used.

Oral contraceptives: Also known as birth control pills, oral contraceptives contain hormones that prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg, thus preventing conception.

Ovaries: The female reproductive organs that release eggs into the fallopian tubes, where they may be fertilized if sperm is present.

Ovulation: The monthly release of a mature egg from an ovary. A woman is most fertile around the time of ovulation.

Ovum: A human egg.

Oxytocin: A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. When released, oxytocin causes uterine contractions. Pitocin is a synthetic form of the hormone.

Oxytocin challenge test (OCT): Also called a contraction stress test, an OCT is a test to check on how the baby is doing while inside the uterus. An OCT tests how the baby responds to the stress of uterine contractions. The expectant mother is hooked up to a fetal monitor and is given contraction-inducing oxytocin via an IV, while the baby is monitored to see how it responds to the contractions.

Palpation: A procedure in which a doctor or midwife feels the mother's abdomen to determine the position of the baby.

Pap smear: A routine medical test to check for abnormalities in the cells of a woman's cervix. A pap smear is usually performed at the first prenatal visit.

Paracervical block: The injection of a local anesthetic into the tissues around the cervix to relieve pain. May be used during childbirth.

Partial molar pregnancy: An abnormal pregnancy in which there is an abnormal mass growth and fetal tissues in the uterus.

Parturition: The act of giving birth.

Patient-controlled analgesia: Intravenous pain medication controlled by a small pump, which is activated by a laboring woman to allow her to choose the amount of medicine she receives.

Peak day: The best time to conceive during the monthly cycle (ovulation). The woman may look for her vaginal discharge (cervical mucus) to have the consistency of egg white and for her basal body temperature to begin to rise.

Pediatrician: A physician who specializes in treating infants and children up to adolescence.

Pelvic adhesions: Scar tissue from a cesarean section, D&C, laparoscopic or other surgery, or pelvic inflammatory disease that can obstruct the reproductive organs.

Pelvic floor muscles: The muscles at the base of the pelvis that support the uterus, vagina, bladder and rectum. These muscles can be strengthened by doing Kegel exercises.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): A bacterial infection of the female reproductive organs, including the uterus, fallopian tubes and cervix. PID can sometimes lead to infertility.

Pelvimetry: Measurements of the dimensions of the pelvis to determine whether a vaginal birth might be problematic.

Pelvis: The bowl-shaped lower part of the abdomen between the hip bones through which the baby passes during childbirth.

Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling: A procedure that samples blood from the fetus's umbilical cord while the baby is still in utero. This procedure can be used to run tests on the baby’s blood and to transfuse blood to the baby in utero.

Perinatal: The time before, during, and immediately following birth.

Perineal massage: Long recommended by midwives, perineal massage may help stretch the perineum in preparation for childbirth, minimize stinging when the baby's head passes through the vaginal opening, and may help avoid an episiotomy or tear. After thoroughly washing your hands, insert the thumbs or index fingers into the vagina, press downward (toward the rectum) and then slide the fingers across the bottom and up the sides of the perineum.

Perineal tear: A rip in the skin and muscles between the vagina and the rectum.

Perineum: The area between the vagina and rectum. The perineum may tear during childbirth.

Periodontitis: A gum disease that increases a woman's risk of having a premature or low birth weight baby.

Phenylketonuria (PKU): PKU is a genetic abnormality in which the body lacks an enzyme needed for normal metabolism. If not carefully regulated by diet early in infancy, PKU can cause mental disability.

Pica: The urge some pregnant women have to eat nonfood items such as dirt, chalk or clay. It is thought to be connected to iron-deficiency anemia.

Pitocin: The brand name of a synthetic form of the hormone oxytocin used to induce labor.

Pituitary gland: A gland at the base of the brain that, among other functions, produces the hormones that trigger ovulation and also signals the breasts to produce milk.

Placenta: A pancake-shaped organ that develops in the uterus and provides nutrients and oxygen for the fetus and eliminates its waste products. The placenta attaches to the uterine wall. The baby is connected to the placenta with the umbilical cord. The expelling of the placenta after the baby is born is called the third stage of labor.

Placenta accreta: A condition in which the placenta grows deeply into the uterine wall. This makes it difficult to fully remove and increases the risk of bleeding after the baby is delivered.

Placental abruption: A condition in which the placenta begins to separate from the wall of the uterus before the baby is born. Symptoms of an abruption usually include bleeding and abdominal pain.

Placenta previa: A condition in which the placenta attaches low in the uterus, fully or partially covering the cervix. The condition can cause bleeding during pregnancy or make vaginal delivery impossible.

Plasma protein A: A hormone produced by the fetus and passed into the mother's bloodstream. Levels of this hormone can be checked via a blood test during the first trimester. Low levels (combined with high levels of other hormones) can indicate an increased risk of the baby having Down syndrome.

Polycystic ovary syndrome: A condition in which a hormonal imbalance may prevent the egg-containing follicles on the ovaries from maturing and releasing an egg, instead forming ovarian cysts. This condition is often associated with infertility.

Polyhydramnios: The condition that exists when there is too much amniotic fluid in the uterus.

Postterm pregnancy: A pregnancy that lasts 42 weeks or more is considered to be postterm, or overdue.

Postdural puncture headache: A severe headache that results when the needle used for an epidural punctures the covering of the spinal cord, allowing spinal fluid to seep into the epidural space.

Postmature pregnancy: An infant born at 42 weeks or later is considered postmature.

Postnatal period: The time following delivery until four to six weeks after birth.

Postpartum: The first six weeks after delivery.

Postpartum depression: More severe than the more common baby blues, postpartum depression is characterized by crying, irritability, sleep problems, restlessness, feelings of hopelessness and the inability to care for the baby. Many women suffering from postpartum depression need professional treatment.

Postpartum hemorrhage: Heavy bleeding from the uterus after delivery.

Postpartum psychosis: Much rarer and more serious than postpartum depression, the symptoms of postpartum psychosis include loss of reality, hallucinations and/or delusions, as well as suicidal or aggressive thoughts. Professional treatment is needed immediately.

Postpartum thyroiditis: Fluctuating thyroid function after childbirth. Symptoms begin with hyperthyroidism and can include fatigue, irritability, increased sweating, and insomnia, followed by hypothyroidism, with its symptoms of depression, muscle aches, hair loss, dry skin and poor memory.

Postterm pregnancy: A pregnancy that has lasted 42 weeks or more.

Precipitous birth: A very fast labor and delivery, usually fewer than three hours.

Preeclampsia: A complication of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Symptoms include rapid weight gain and increased swelling. If left untreated, preeclampsia can lead to the more serious eclampsia.

Pregnancy Discrimination Act: A federal law barring discrimination against women for conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth.

Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH): Elevation of a pregnant woman's blood pressure, usually in the last trimester.

Pregnancy test: A test of a woman's blood or urine to determine whether she's pregnant. The test works by detecting the pregnancy hormone hCG in the urine or blood.

Premature baby: A baby born before 37 weeks gestation.

Premature labor: Labor that occurs after 20 weeks gestation but before 37 weeks.

Prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM): The bursting of the amniotic sac before the onset of contractions. Usually, labor begins soon after rupture. Depending on when this occurs during pregnancy, the practitioner may induce or augment labor.

Prenatal: Before birth.

Prenatal care: Medical care during pregnancy.

Presentation: The position of the baby such as feet down (breech) or head down (vertex) inside a woman's uterus at term.

Presenting part: The part of the baby’s body that leads the way during labor and delivers first.

Preterm baby: A baby born before 37 weeks gestation.

Preterm delivery: The birth of a baby before 37 weeks gestation.

Preterm labor: Labor that begins after 20 weeks and before 37 weeks gestation. Prompt medical treatment can sometimes halt or postpone early labor, improving the baby's chances for survival.

Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM): The bursting of the amniotic sac before 37 weeks gestation.

Primigravida: A woman pregnant for the first time.

Primipara: A woman who has given birth for the first time to a baby older than 20 weeks gestation.

Prodromal labor: Contractions (such as Braxton Hicks) that occur before true labor begins. Considered false labor.

Progesterone: A hormone produced by the ovaries that helps to regulate a woman's reproductive cycle. It also keeps the uterus from contracting during pregnancy and promotes the growth of the blood vessels in the uterus.

Prolactin: The hormone that activates a mother's milk-producing glands. While pregnant, prolactin levels rise and stay elevated if you are breastfeeding.

Prolapsed cord: When the umbilical cord slips through the cervix or into the vagina ahead of the baby during delivery. If compressed, it may cut off the baby's blood and oxygen supply.

Prolonged labor: A labor that lasts 18 to 24 hours.

Prolonged pregnancy: A pregnancy that lasts longer than 40 weeks of gestation.

Prostaglandins: Hormones produced by the uterus to prepare the cervix and bring on labor.

Proteinuria: When excess protein is found in the urine. It is often a sign of preeclampsia.

Protracted labor: A labor that lasts longer than expected.

Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP): Small, itchy pimples that break out on the stretch marks, thighs, buttocks, or arms of a pregnant woman. These lesions aren't dangerous and generally disappear after delivery.

Pruritus gravidarum: Itching during pregnancy.

Pubic symphysis: The front part of the pelvis. During pregnancy, the practitioner will use this point to measure the growth of the uterus.

Pubic symphysis dysfunction: Pain in the pubic symphysis during or after pregnancy. It is caused by a misalignment of the pelvis and/or pubic bones due to their stretching apart during pregnancy or following birth.

Pudendal block: A regional nerve block used during labor. It is administered through a needle into the perineal or vaginal area and reduces pain in the region but not uterine discomfort. It's often used when forceps or vacuum extraction is used.

Puerperium: The span of time from the end of delivery until the uterus returns to its prepregnancy state, usually about six weeks.

Pyogenic granuloma of pregnancy: A lesion a pregnant woman may have on her gums that bleeds easily. It is perfectly harmless and goes away on its own after delivery.

Quad screen: A prenatal blood test performed between 15 and 22 weeks to check levels of four substances (AFP, hCG, estriol and inhibin-A) that help determine whether a fetus is at increased risk for chromosomal abnormalities or neural tube defects.

Quickening: The first fetal movements felt by a pregnant woman, usually between 18 and 22 weeks gestation. The sensation is often described as a fluttering in the abdomen or butterflies in the stomach.

Rectum: The lower part of the large intestine, ending in the anal opening.

Rectus abdominis: The central muscle that runs down the front of the abdomen and supports the back. During pregnancy it may separate, but it returns to normal after delivery.

Recurrent miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion): When a woman has had two or more miscarriages.

Reflexology: A CAM therapy in which pressure is applied to specific areas of the feet, hands and ears to relieve a variety of aches and pains. Applying pressure to certain areas on or near the feet can trigger contractions, so it is best to avoid reflexology of the feet during pregnancy.

Regional anesthesia: Numbing a part of the body during labor. An epidural is a regional anesthesia because it numbs only the lower part of the body.

Relaxin: The hormone that causes joints and ligaments to soften and become stretched during pregnancy, allowing the pelvic bones to expand more easily during labor and delivery. Relaxin is also responsible for body changes, such as an increase in an expectant mother's foot size.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS): A condition that affects one in four pregnant women. Symptoms include a feeling of restlessness, creepy-crawly feelings and tingling in the legs or feet that keeps the rest of the body from settling down at night. The cause is unknown but usually disappears after delivery.

Retained placenta: A placenta that remains in the uterus for 30 minutes or more after delivery. The practitioner will sometimes need to manually remove the placenta when this occurs.

Retroverted uterus: In 20 percent of women, the top of the uterus is tilted toward the back instead of the front. In most cases, the uterus rights itself by the end of the first trimester.

Retrovir (AZT): An antiretroviral drug used to treat an HIV-positive pregnant mother. See AZT, zidovudine.

Rh factor: A protein that is found on red blood cells. If the Rh factor protein is present on the cells, a person is Rh-positive. If there is no Rh factor protein, the person is Rh-negative. An Rh-negative woman carrying an Rh-positive fetus may produce antibodies that attack the fetus's blood.

Rh immunoglobulin: See RhoGAM.

Rh incompatibility: A condition in which a baby's blood type and Rh factor is incompatible with the mother's. If carefully monitored and treated, a woman whose Rh factor is incompatible with her fetus's will usually give birth to a healthy baby.

RhoGAM (RhIg): RhoGAM, also known as Rh immunoglobulin, is a specially developed blood product that can prevent an Rh-negative mother's antibodies from attacking the fetus's Rh-positive cells. Rh-negative women will receive Rh immunoglobulin around the 28th week of pregnancy or at the time of an amniocentesis.

Ripening: Thinning and softening of the cervix in preparation for delivery.

Rooming-in: When a newborn stays in the same room as the mother in a hospital rather than staying in the hospital nursery.

Rooting: One of the reflexes present at birth in which the baby opens his or her mouth and turns the head to nurse when the cheek is stroked.

Round ligament pain: Discomfort in the lower abdomen and groin during pregnancy as the ligaments that hold the expanding uterus stretch.

Rubella: Also called German measles, rubella is a highly contagious viral disease with a mild red rash that can cause serious birth defects in a fetus if a pregnant woman is afflicted. Women who haven't had it should make sure they're immunized before conception.

Rupture of membranes: The bursting of the sac holding the amniotic fluid, usually a sign that labor will soon begin or has already begun.

Saddle block: A regional nerve block anesthetic that is injected into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord and used to block the pain associated with a forceps or vacuum extraction delivery.

Scan: Another word for ultrasound exam.

Sciatica: A painful condition characterized by pain in lower back, buttocks and leg. In pregnant women, it is often caused by pressure of the enlarging uterus on the sciatic nerve. Rest, CAM, or a heating pad may ease the pain.

Sciatic nerve: The largest nerve in the body that runs from the buttocks down the length of the thigh. It provides sensory and motor function to the lower extremities.

Sea-bands: Elastic bands worn on both wrists that put pressure on acupressure points on the inner wrists and often relieve nausea. May be used to treat morning sickness.

Secondary infertility: When a woman is unable to get pregnant or carry a pregnancy to term after already having had a child.

Secondhand smoke: When a person inhales the smoke exhaled by a smoker. Secondhand smoke, like smoking, is dangerous for a developing fetus.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI): A class of antidepressant medications often given to new mothers suffering from postpartum depression.

Semen: White fluid containing sperm ejaculated from a man's penis.

Sexually transmitted disease (STD): Diseases communicable by sexual relations, such as gonorrhea, syphilis, genital warts, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, HIV, hepatitis B and human papillomavirus (HPV).

Shoulder dystocia: When a baby's shoulders get stuck in the birth canal after the head has already been delivered.

Show: See bloody show.

Sickle-cell anemia: A genetic disorder (most commonly seen in populations of African descent) that causes abnormally shaped red blood cells.

Side-lying position: Breastfeeding position in which the baby and mother lie on their sides facing each other.

SIDS: Abbr. See sudden infant death syndrome.

Sitz bath: A shallow, tepid bath often recommended to soothe the discomfort and pain of episiotomy stitches postpartum.

Sleep apnea: A condition in which breathing stops briefly during sleep, temporarily reducing the amount of oxygen that is taken in.

Small for gestational age (SGA): A baby who is not growing as well as it should given his or her gestational age. Unlike premature babies, SGA babies are small because of slow development, not because they've had less time in the womb.

Sonogram: An ultrasound image of a baby. Sonograms are performed with an ultrasound machine. Practitioners will often give expectant parents paper copies of their sonogram images to take home.

Sonographer: The technician who performs an ultrasound examination.

Sore nipples: Tender, red, cracked and painful nipples caused by breastfeeding. Proper positioning of the baby, as well as other remedies can help.

Speculum: A device used to spread a woman's vaginal opening to make viewing of the cervix easier.

Sperm: The male reproductive cells produced by the testicles. Sperm is deposited by the male into the female's vagina and fertilizes an egg to produce an embryo.

Spermicides: Chemical agents that kill sperm; a form of birth control.

Sperm motility: The ability of sperm to move and swim quickly.

Spider veins: Small red or blue blood vessels that appear close to the skin's surface and resemble a spider. Spider veins may result from the hormonal changes of pregnancy and usually fade after delivery.

Spina bifida: A neural tube defect resulting from the improper closure of the fetal spine. Folic acid reduces the likelihood of spina bifida, and women are advised to take supplements (in the form of prenatal vitamins) before and during pregnancy.

Spinal block: A labor anesthetic that is injected into the fluid surrounding the spinal cord.

Spinal headache: A headache that results when the needle used for a spinal anesthesia or an epidural punctures the covering of the spinal cord, allowing spinal fluid to seep into the epidural space.

Spontaneous labor: Labor that begins on its own without any medical augmentation. During the first phase of labor, the cervix dilates and thins out and contractions begin, usually lasting 30 to 45 seconds each with five to 20 minutes between them.

Spontaneous miscarriage (or abortion): The spontaneous and involuntary loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks, estimated to occur in 15 to 20 percent of all pregnancies. It usually takes place during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and many occur before a woman even knows she's pregnant.

Spotting: Any type of bloody discharge from the vagina.

Squat bar: A U-shaped bar that attaches to a birthing bed allowing a laboring woman to squat when she's ready to push the baby out during childbirth.

Stages of labor: Labor is divided into three stages. The first stage begins at the onset of contractions and ends when the cervix is completely dilated. The second stage is the delivery of the baby. The third stage is delivery of the placenta.

Station: An indication of how far the presenting part of the baby (usually the head) has progressed through the pelvis. A baby who has just begun to descend may be at -4 or -5 station. A fully engaged baby (one whose head has reached the bony landmarks of the pelvis) is said to be at "zero station". As the head continues to descend through the pelvis, it is considered +1 or +2 station until it crowns at the vaginal opening at +5 station.

Steroids: Synthetic hormones that may be given to a pregnant woman with preterm labor in an effort to speed the maturation of the fetus's lungs.

Stillbirth: The death of a baby after 20 weeks gestation but before birth.

Stillborn: A baby showing no signs of life at birth.

Stress incontinence: The inability to hold in urine. Many women find they leak urine during the last trimester when they laugh, cough, or sneeze. It is a result of the mounting pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder. Some women also experience stress incontinence postpartum as a result of the stretching of the perineal muscles. Kegel exercises can help strengthen the muscles.

Stretch marks: Discolored linear patterns that result from stretching of the skin. In pregnancy, stretch marks, also known as striae, may appear on the abdomen, breasts, buttocks and legs; they usually fade slowly after delivery.

Striae: See stretch marks.

Stripping of the membranes: A technique used to encourage the onset of labor. The practitioner inserts a finger between the membranes and the wall of the uterus to loosen the membranes from the wall.

Suckling: When the baby breastfeeds.

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS): The sudden death of an infant from unexplained causes. SIDS occurs most frequently in infants two to four months old.

Sweeping of the membranes: Another term for stripping of the membranes.

Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD): Pain in the pubis symphysis during or after pregnancy. It is caused by a misalignment of the pelvis and/or public bones due to their stretching apart during pregnancy or after delivery.

Symphysis pubis: The front part of the pelvis. During pregnancy, a practitioner will use this point to measure the growth of the uterus.

Syphilis: A sexually transmitted disease that can affect a fetus.

Systolic blood pressure: The upper number in a blood pressure reading, representing the amount of pressure when the heart is contracted.

Tay-Sachs disease: A genetic disorder (most commonly seen in Ashkenazi Jews) in which the baby lacks an essential enzyme and dies in early childhood. A preconception test can determine whether potential parents are carriers of the disease.

TENS: Abbr. See transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

Teratogen: A drug, chemical, or infection that can cause a birth defect when a woman is exposed to it during pregnancy.

Terbutaline: A medication used to halt the contractions of preterm labor.

Term: The length of a pregnancy, or 40 weeks.

Termination: Another word for abortion.

Thalassemia: An inherited genetic disorder of hemoglobin in red blood cells. Most common in individuals of Mediterranean, black, or Southeast Asian ancestry.

Threatened miscarriage (or abortion): Anytime there is vaginal bleeding during the first half of pregnancy, the pregnancy is considered threatened. The expectant mother may undergo a physical examination and tests to determine the cause of the bleeding, and treatment will be initiated if necessary.

Thrombophlebitis: The inflammation of a vein associated with a blood clot.

Thyroiditis: Fluctuating thyroid function after childbirth. Symptoms begin with hyperthyroidism and can include fatigue, irritability, increased sweating, and insomnia, followed by hypothyroidism, symptoms of depression, muscle aches, hair loss, dry skin, and poor memory.

Tilted uterus: In 20 percent of women, the top of the uterus is tilted toward the back instead of the front. In most cases, the uterus rights itself by the end of the first trimester.

Tipped uterus: Another term for a tilted uterus.

Tocolysis: The administration of medications to stop uterine contractions during premature labor.

Toxemia: Now commonly called preeclampsia, toxemia is a complication of pregnancy characterized by high blood pressure and protein in the urine after 20 weeks gestation. Symptoms include rapid weight gain and increased swelling. If left untreated, preeclampsia can lead to the more serious eclampsia.

Toxoplasmosis: A parasitic infection carried in cat feces and uncooked meat that can be dangerous to the fetus if contracted by a pregnant woman. Pregnant women are advised to avoid contact with cat feces.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): TENS, a CAM therapy useful to relieve labor pains, uses electrodes to stimulate nerve pathways to the uterus and cervix. The theory is that this stimulation jams other sensory inputs along those pathways, such as pain. The intensity of stimulation is controlled by the laboring woman.

Transducer: The device used in ultrasound that emits sound waves and transmits them to a computer, resulting in the ultrasound image.

Transitional labor: The end of the first stage of labor when the cervix dilates from eight to ten centimeters. This is the most demanding stage of labor because the contractions are very strong, very close together, and very long. The transition stage lasts only a short time.

Transverse: When the fetus is turned sideways in the uterus.

Trial of labor after cesarean delivery (TOLAC): Attempting labor after having a prior cesarean in the hope of having a vaginal birth instead of another cesarean section. See VBAC.

Trimester: A time span of three months. Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, each approximately 13 to 14 weeks long. Generally speaking, each trimester is marked by different phases of fetal development.

Triple screen: A blood test given to a woman between weeks 15 and 20 of pregnancy to screen for an increased risk of the baby having a birth defect. High levels of AFP may be associated with a neural tube defect; low levels may be associated with Down syndrome. The test is used to decide whether more invasive testing, such as an amniocentesis, is needed.

Trophoblastic disease: An abnormal pregnancy in which there is no fetus, only an abnormal mass growth.

Tubal ligation: A sterilization procedure in which a woman's fallopian tubes are cut, tied off or blocked, to prevent pregnancy.

Tubal pregnancy: When a fertilized egg does not enter the uterus, but instead implants elsewhere, usually in the fallopian tube. Also called an ectopic pregnancy, symptoms include abnormal bleeding, severe abdominal pain or shoulder pain. The tubal pregnancy must be surgically removed to prevent rupture and damage of the fallopian tubes.

Ultrasound: A procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to create a moving image of a baby in utero. During pregnancy, ultrasound is routinely used to monitor the health and development of the fetus.

Umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry: A test to check on how the baby is doing while inside the uterus. Through the use of ultrasound, the flow of blood through the umbilical artery is assessed. A weak, absent, or reverse flow indicates the fetus is not getting adequate nourishment.

Umbilical cord: The flexible cord of tissue connecting the fetus to the placenta that brings oxygen and nutrients from the expectant mother to the fetus and removes waste products. The umbilical cord contains two arteries and one large vein.

Umbilical cord blood banking: See cord blood banking.

Undescended testicles: Failure of a baby boy's testicles to descend into the scrotum by the time he is born. Many times the condition corrects itself. Other cases need to be surgically corrected.

Unripe cervix: When the cervix is not ready for delivery. Usually, as the end of pregnancy approaches, the cervix moves forward in the pelvis and begin to soften. If the cervix does not soften on its own, prostaglandins may be needed to ripen it to jump-start labor or to prepare for an induction.

Urge to push: The natural impulse felt by a laboring woman toward the end of the first stage of labor to bear down and push the baby out. Your practitioner will not have you begin to push until dilation is complete.

Urinalysis: An analysis of urine to find out its content.

Urinary incontinence: Involuntary loss of urine. Many women find they leak urine during the last trimester when they laugh, cough, or sneeze. It is a result of the mounting pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder. Some women also experience stress incontinence postpartum as a result of the stretching of the perineal muscles. Kegel exercises can help strengthen the muscles.

Urinary tract infection (UTI): An infection anywhere in the urinary system, usually in the bladder. Symptoms include fever, increased need to urinate, or a burning sensation while urinating. UTIs are common during pregnancy and are treated with antibiotics.

Uterine inversion: After the delivery of a baby, if the placenta doesn't detach completely from the uterus, it pulls the top of the uterus out with it when it emerges. In most cases, the uterus can be pushed back into place by hand; if not, surgery is required.

Uterine involution: The postpartum process of the uterus returning to its normal size after the birth of a baby.

Uterine rupture: When the scar from a previous cesarean ruptures during labor. Signs of a rupture include searing pain in the abdomen and fetal distress. Immediate cesarean is necessary, followed by repair of the uterus, if possible.

Uterus: The hollow, pear-shaped, muscular organ in which a baby grows.

Vacuum-assisted birth: When vacuum extraction is used during childbirth.

Vacuum extraction: A procedure used as an alternative to forceps when a baby is stuck in the birth canal during delivery. A plastic cup is applied to the baby's head, and, with gentle suction, the baby is eased out of the birth canal.

Vagina: The female genital passage that leads from the uterus to the opening between the labia.

Vaginal birth: The birth of a baby through the birth canal, as opposed to a cesarean section, which is the birth of a baby through a surgical incision in the abdomen and uterus.

Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC): The vaginal birth of a baby after a woman has already delivered by cesarean in a prior pregnancy.

Vaginitis: An infection in the vagina. Symptoms may include green, yellow, or strong smelling discharge, burning, itching or soreness.

Varicose veins: Swollen veins, usually in the legs, common during pregnancy because of increased blood volume and increased pressure on the veins from the growing uterus. They usually disappear after delivery.

VBAC: Abbr. See vaginal birth after cesarean.

Venous thrombosis: A blood clot that develops in a vein, usually in a leg. Pregnant women are more susceptible to clots during pregnancy and postpartum.

Vernix caseosa: A greasy white substance that covers the fetus in utero. The vernix protects the fetus from the amniotic fluid and makes the baby slippery and easier to deliver.

Version: See external cephalic version.

Vertex presentation: When the baby is positioned head down in the uterus at term.

Very low birth weight baby: A baby weighing less than three pounds three ounces at birth.

Viable: A baby mature enough to survive outside the womb.

Vibroacoustic stimulation (VAS): A test to check on how the baby is doing while inside the uterus. A sound-and-vibration producing instrument is placed on the mother's abdomen to determine the fetus's response to sound or vibrations. Also called fetal acoustic stimulation.

Vulva: A woman's external genital organs, including the labia and clitoris.

Walking epidural: An epidural that maintains sensation in the legs, allowing a laboring woman to stand or walk.

Water birth: A type of childbirth in which a woman labors and/or gives birth in water, usually in a sterile birthing tub or pool. Not widely used in the medical community, water birth finds more acceptance among midwives.

Womb: Another name for the uterus.

Yeast infection: A vaginal infection common during pregnancy. Symptoms include itching and a white strong-smelling discharge from the vagina.

Zidovudine (ZDV): An antiretroviral drug used to treat an HIV-positive expectant mother. See AZT, Retrovir.

Zygote: The fertilized egg before it begins to divide and grow into an embryo.

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Abdomen:Abortion: Abruption:Abscess:Active labor:Acupressure:Acupuncture:Afterbirth: Afterpains:Alexander technique:Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP):Alpha-fetoprotein test:Alveoli:Amenorrhea: Amniocentesis:Amnioinfusion:Amniotic fluid: Amniotic sac:Amniotomy:Anal fissures:Analgesia:Analgesic:Anemia:Anencephaly:Anesthesia:Anesthetic:Antenatal:Antepartum:Aorta:Apgar score: Apnea:Areola:Aromatherapy:Artificial insemination:Artificial rupture of the membranes:Aspiration:Assisted reproductive technology: Augmentation of labor:Autologous transfusion:AZT:Baby blues:Back labor:Bacterial vaginosis:Bag of water:Basal body temperature (BBT):Belly sling: Biofeedback: Biophysical profile:Birth assistant:Birth canal:Birth defect:Birthing ball: Birthing center:Birthing chair: Birth plan:Birthing room:Bishop score: Bladder: Blastocyst:Blighted ovum:Blood pressure: Bloody show: Body mass index (BMI):Bradley Method: Bradycardia: Braxton Hicks contractions: Breaking of water: Breastfeeding: Breech position/presentation:Brow presentation:Candida: Carpal tunnel syndrome:Catheter:Cephalic presentation:Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD):Cervical cerclage:Cerebral palsy (CP):Certified nurse-midwife (CNM):Certified professional midwife (CPM):Cervical cap: Cervical mucus: Cervical os:Cervical ripening:Cervidil:Cervix:Cesarean section (C-section): Chadwick's sign: Chlamydia:Chloasma: Chorioamnionitis: Choriocarcinoma: Chorionic villus sampling (CVS):Chromosomal abnormality:Chromosome:Chronic hypertension:Cleansing breath:Cleft lip:Cleft palate:Clubfoot:Coccyx pain: Colostrum: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM): Complete miscarriage:Conceive: Conception:Congenital disorder: Constipation:Contraception:Contraction:Contraction stress test (CST):Convulsion: Cord: Cord blood banking:Cord blood harvesting:Cord compression: Cord knots: Cord prolapse:Corpus luteum:Corpus luteum cyst:Cortisol:Couvade syndrome: Cradle hold:Crossover hold:Crowning:Crown-to-rump length:Curettage:Cystic fibrosis:Cytomegalovirus (CMV):D&C: Deep vein thrombosis:Dehydration:Demerol:Depo-Provera: DES: Diabetes:Diaphragm:Diastasis recti:Diastolic blood pressure: Dilation:Dilation and curettage (D&C):Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA):Doppler: Doula:Down syndrome:Dropping: Due date: Dystocia:Early term:Eclampsia: Ectopic pregnancy: Edema: Effacement: Egg:Egg donation:Ejaculate:Ejaculation: Electronic fetal monitor:Embolism: Embryo:Embryonic stage:Embryo transfer:Endodermal germ layer:Endometriosis:Endometrium:Endorphin:Enema:Engaged:Engagement: Engorgement:Epidural: Episiotomy: Estimated date of birth (EDB): Estimated date of confinement (EDC):Estimated date of delivery (EDD):Estriol: Estrogen:Exclusive breastfeeding: Expressing breast milk:External cephalic version (ECV):External fetal monitoring: Extrauterine pregnancy:Failure to progress:Fallopian tubes:False labor: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA):Family practitioner: Fecal incontinence: Fertility: Fertility medications:Fertility specialist: Fertilization:Fertilization age:Fetal acoustic stimulation:Fetal alcohol effects (FAE):Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS):Fetal anomaly:Fetal blood sampling:Fetal diagnostic testing: Fetal distress:Fetal fibronectin (FFN):Fetal growth restriction (FGR): Fetal heart rate:Fetal loss:Fetal-maternal exchange: Fetal monitoring: Fetal movement counts:Fetal period:Fetal presentation:Fetal scalp stimulation:Fetoscopy:Fetus: Fever:Fibroids:Focal point:Folic acid:Follicle:Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH):Fontanelles: Football hold:Footling breech: Forceps:Frank breech:Fraternal twins: Full-term:Fundal height:Fundus:Gamete intra-fallopian transfer:General anesthesia:General practitioner:Genetic:Genetic counseling:Genetic disorder:Genetic screening:Genital herpes:Genitals: German measles:Gestation:Gestational age:Gestational diabetes:Gingivitis:Glucose:Glucose challenge test:Glucose screening test: Glucose tolerance test:Glucosuria: Gonorrhea:Gravida:Group B streptococcus (GBS):GYN:Gynecologist (GYN):Habitual miscarriage (or abortion):HCG:Heartburn:Hegar's sign:HELLP syndrome: Hematocrit:Hemoglobin:Hemophilia:Hemorrhage: Hemorrhoids: Hepatitis B: Herpes:High-risk pregnancy:HIV:Home birth:Home pregnancy test:Hormone:Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): Hydatidiform mole: Hydramnios:Hydrocephalus: Hydrotherapy: Hyperemesis gravidarum:Hyperglycemia:Hypertension: Hyperthyroidism:Hyperventilation:HypnoBirthing:Hypnosis: .Hypotension: Hypothyroidism:Hypoxia:Hysterectomy:Identical twins::Immune system:Immunization :Implantation:Inborn errors of metabolism: Incision:Incompetent cervix (cervical insufficiency):Incomplete miscarriage: Incontinence: Induction:Inevitable miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion):Inferior vena cava:Infertility:Inhibin-A:Insomnia:Insulin:Intracytoplasmic sperm injection:Intrapartum fever:Intrauterine device (IUD):Intrauterine insemination:Intravenous catheter (IV):In utero:Inverted nipples:In vitro fertilization (IVF):Involution:Iron deficiency anemia::Labia:Labor:Labor-delivery-postpartum room (LDPR):Labor-delivery-recovery room (LDR):Laceration:Lactation:Lactation consultant or specialist:Lactose intolerance:Lamaze:Lanugo:Large for gestational age (LGA):Last menstrual period (LMP):Latching on: Latent labor:Late term pregnancy:Laxative:Lay midwife:Layette:LDPR:LDR:Leboyer birth:Leg cramps:Leopold's maneuvers:Let-down:Leukorrhea:Lightening:Linea alba:Linea nigra:Listeriosis:LMP:Local anesthesia:Lochia:Low birth weight baby:Luteinizing hormone:Macrosomia:Magnesium sulfate:Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):Malpresentation:Mammary glands:Mask of pregnancy (see chloasma):Mastitis: Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialist:Maternity center:Maternity leave:Meconium:Meconium aspiration:Meconium staining:Membranes:Menstrual cycle:Mercury:Midwife:Miscarriage:Misoprostol:Missed miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion):Molar pregnancy:Molding:Montgomery's tubercles or follicles:Morning sickness:Moxibustion:MSAFP:Mucus plug:Multigravida:Multipara:Multiple birth:Multiple pregnancy:Mutation:Naegele's rule:Narcotics: Natural childbirth:Nausea: Neonatal:Neonatal death:Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU):Neonate:Neonatologist:Nesting instinct: Neural tube defect:Newborn: NICU:Nipple confusion:Nipples:Non-reassuring fetal status:Nonstress test (NST): Nuchal cord: Nuchal fold thickness:Nuchal translucency: Nulliparous:Nurse-midwife:Nurse practitioner:OB/GYN:Obstetrician:Obstetrics:Obstructed labor:Occiput anterior position:Occiput posterior presentation:Oligohydramnios:Omega-3 fatty acids:Operative vaginal delivery:Oral contraceptives:Ovaries:Ovulation:Ovum:Oxytocin:Oxytocin challenge test (OCT):Palpation:Pap smear:Paracervical block:Partial molar pregnancy:Parturition:Patient-controlled analgesia:Peak day:Pediatrician:Pelvic adhesions:Pelvic floor muscles:Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID):Pelvimetry:Pelvis:Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling:Perinatal:Perineal massage:Perineal tear: Perineum:Periodontitis:Phenylketonuria (PKU):Pica:Pitocin:Pituitary gland:Placenta:Placenta accreta:Placental abruption:Placenta previa:Plasma protein A:Polycystic ovary syndrome:Polyhydramnios:Postterm pregnancy:Postdural puncture headache:Postmature pregnancy:Postnatal period:Postpartum:Postpartum depression:Postpartum hemorrhage:Postpartum psychosis:Postpartum thyroiditis:Postterm pregnancy:Precipitous birth:Preeclampsia:Pregnancy Discrimination Act:Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH):Pregnancy test:Premature baby:Premature labor: Prelabor rupture of membranes (PROM): Prenatal:Prenatal care:Presentation:Presenting part:Preterm baby:Preterm delivery:Preterm labor: Preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM):Primigravida:Primipara:Prodromal labor: Progesterone:Prolactin:Prolapsed cord:Prolonged labor:Prolonged pregnancy:Prostaglandins: Proteinuria:Protracted labor:Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP):Pruritus gravidarum:Pubic symphysis:Pubic symphysis dysfunction:Pudendal block:Puerperium:Pyogenic granuloma of pregnancy:Quad screen:Quickening:Rectum:Rectus abdominis:Recurrent miscarriage (or spontaneous abortion):Reflexology:Regional anesthesia:Relaxin:Restless legs syndrome (RLS):Retained placenta:Retroverted uterus:Retrovir (AZT):Rh factor:Rh immunoglobulin:Rh incompatibility:RhoGAM (RhIg):Ripening:Rooming-in:Rooting:Round ligament pain:Rubella:Rupture of membranes:Saddle block:Scan:Sciatica:Sciatic nerve:Sea-bands:Secondary infertility:Secondhand smoke:Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI):Semen:Sexually transmitted disease (STD):Shoulder dystocia:Show:Sickle-cell anemia:Side-lying position: SIDS:Sitz bath:Sleep apnea:Small for gestational age (SGA):Sonogram:Sonographer:Sore nipples:Speculum:Sperm:Spermicides:Sperm motility:Spider veins:Spina bifida:Spinal block:Spinal headache:Spontaneous labor: Spontaneous miscarriage (or abortion):Spotting:Squat bar:Stages of labor: Station:Steroids:Stillbirth:Stillborn:Stress incontinence:Stretch marks:Striae:Stripping of the membranes:Suckling:Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS):Sweeping of the membranes:Symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD):Symphysis pubis:Syphilis:Systolic blood pressure:Tay-Sachs disease:TENS:Teratogen:Terbutaline:Term:Termination:Thalassemia:Threatened miscarriage (or abortion):Thrombophlebitis:Thyroiditis:Tilted uterus:Tipped uterus:Tocolysis:Toxemia:Toxoplasmosis:Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): Transducer:Transitional labor:Transverse:Trial of labor after cesarean delivery (TOLAC):Trimester:Triple screen:Trophoblastic disease:Tubal ligation:Tubal pregnancy:Ultrasound:Umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry:Umbilical cord:Umbilical cord blood banking:Undescended testicles:Unripe cervix:Urge to push:Urinalysis:Urinary incontinence:Urinary tract infection (UTI):Uterine inversion:Uterine involution:Uterine rupture:Uterus:Vacuum-assisted birth:Vacuum extraction:Vagina:Vaginal birth:Vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC):Vaginitis:Varicose veins:VBAC:Venous thrombosis:Vernix caseosa:Version:Vertex presentation:Very low birth weight baby:Viable:Vibroacoustic stimulation (VAS):Vulva:Walking epidural:Water birth:Womb:Yeast infection:Zidovudine (ZDV):Zygote: